Thursday, June 19, 2008

Anything is possible

I love kevin Garnett. His post game interview after game 6 might have been over the top to many, but if you have been paying attention to the NBA for a while, you should know by now that that's just how this man operates. He's emotional. But it's real, unwavering and unapologetic. He is who he is, and you gotta respect that.
Seeing him up there, just screaming, giving props to his old team, old friends, and family. Justing releasing all the energy he's put into this game, was inspiring.

I was sitting with a friend watching this, and I think we both shed a tear. There on tv was a good, talented man who worked hard, faced adversity, and fought his way to the top of the world and championship certification. OH yeah, and he didn't thank god for choosing him and the Celtics over Kobe the Lakers.
Like the man said, he's certified, which was quite ironic for me personally because two days before I had finished with my own certification for English teaching, and also screamed at the top of my lungs that anything was possible!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

In Memory of

It's hard to believe, but today would have been the 37th birthday of Tupac Shakur. An inspiration in my life and many others even 12 years after this passing, I often wonder how America and the world would be different had Tupac not died so young. What I see when I imagine of this scenario, is a world still caught in the same struggles of war, racism, and slavery, but with much more resolve, much more passion to fight. That was Tupac, a self-described "rose that grew from the concrete," he embodied the one thing that can withstand and combat the machinery of our money driven world-- soul. He felt struggles deeply, hated wrongs passionately, and fought with everything and the only thing he had, his words. We lost those words, and hip hop lost its essence, social justice lost its most capable leader, and the earth lost a better day for its children. But on today, lets let his word be reborn, and remember we still need to fight for those better dayz.

Below are the most hopeful words I can think of: